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Arctic Cinemas and the Documentary Ethos conference

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
August 27-29, 2015

Arctic Cinemas and the Documentary Ethos examines documentary cinema as a key to contextualizing environmental, indigenous, political, cultural, sociological and ethnographic understandings of the Arctic. Not only does documentary cinema constitute the majority of films that have been made by, in, and about the Arctic region; documentary cinema is also one of the most influential conduits for the conceptualization and imagination of the contemporary global circumpolar Far North and has been so for over a century. This event is the first major international conference to address the Arctic Documentary tradition.

North American and European scholars from a wide array of disciplines will partake in the conference, including: Noelle Belanger; Klaus Dodds; Monika Kin Gagnon; Jane Gaines; Faye Ginsburg; Ivalo Frank;  Kevin Hamilton; Joseph K. Heumann; Jeremy Hicks; Gunnar Iversen; Lilya Kaganovsky; Cody Lang; Mariah Larsson; Scott MacKenzie; Monica Mecsei; Toby Miller; Robin L. Murray; Ned O’Gorman; Michael Renov; Oksana Sarkisova; Roswitha Skare; Jerry White; Anna Westerstahl Stenport; and Carmen Victor.

Conference Organizers: Anna Westerstahl Stenport, Lilya Kaganovsky, Scott MacKenzie, and Noelle Belanger