Study Approval Request Form Study Approval Request Form Please submit the Study Approval Request Form at least one week in advance of the start of your study. * Request Type (Check One): I would like to add a new study I would like to activate an existing study If you would like to activate or update an existing study, please list your existing study number: * IRB Proposal Title This is the title of the IRB that will cover the study you would like approved. * IRB Protocol Number (if applicable): You may request approval before receiving IRB approval, however you may not add a new study in the Sona System until you have IRB approval. * Investigator (Your Name) First Last * Investigator Email * Responsible Faculty First Last * Faculty Email * What is (are) the proposed form(s) of dissemination? (Please specify any deadlines, if applicable.) (e.g., journal article, thesis or academic paper, conference presentation, sharing within industry or profession) * Briefly describe your study. * Duration of Study 0-30’ (1 credit) 31’-60’ (2 credits) 61’-90’ (3 credits) 91’-120’ (4 credits) Have you performed power analysis? Yes No Not Applicable (I am running a qualitative study.) Power analysis is a statistical technique to determine the ideal sample size for a study given some parameters (study design, expected effect size). We encourage you to do this (or ask your advisors to help you) so that you request a reasonable number of participants. * Requested Number of Participants * Justification of Requested Number of Participants Briefly explain why the number of participants you requested is appropriate for the study you are conducting. * Is this a web-based study? Yes No * Will you use one of the labs for data collection? (Armory 235F, 235G, or 235H) Yes No If you reply YES, you will receive access to the lab calendar. * Specify start date and time. Date HH MM AM PM * Specify end date and time. Date HH MM AM PM The IRB stipulates that the final day to participate for course credit this term is May 3, 2018. * Field Label