View list of 2015 Poster Presentations
TCIPG is hosting a Networking Reception and Poster Session for summer school participants on Wednesday evening, June 17.
We are accepting proposals for poster presentations. Posters can highlight research orĀ an organization, service, or product that advances or benefits cybersecurity for power grid and/or smart grid technologies.
Spots are limited and proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis. If you would like to present a poster at the Networking Reception, submit your proposal no later than May 22.
You do not need to provide final artwork with the submission (though you can if you wish). More information will be provided at a later date on how to submit final artwork for poster printing.
Questions? Contact Tim Yardley
2015 Poster Presentation
Click on title to view poster.
Smart Grid Communications: Security and Privacy
Arash Boustani, Wichita State University
CPS-CDC: A Framework for Cyber-Physical System (CPS) Based Cyber Defense Competitions (CDC)
Matt Brown, Iowa State University
Implementing Attacks for Modbus/TCP Protocol in a Real-Time Cyber Physical System Test Bed
Bo Chen, Texas A&M University
CPS Security Testbed Federation for Large-scale, High-fidelity Attack/Defense Experimentation
Aswin Chidambaram-Pappa, Iowa State University
Secure GPS-based Timing for Power Systems
Grace Xingxin Gao and Yuting Ng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Cyber-Physical Data Analytics Based on “Hybrid Control” Network Intrusion Detection
Mahdi Jamei, Arizona State University
Coordinated Cyber-Physical Attack for Undetectable Outage of Transmission Lines
Zhiyi Li, Illinois Institute of Technology
Rethinking Control Design for Cyber Security of the Future Power Grid
May Mahmoudi, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Power (leakage) Based Attacks to Break Encryption Keys on Cryptographic Devices
Neel Shah, Northeastern University
Secure Policy Based Configuration Framework (PBCONF)
Ashwini Vaidya, Information Trust Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Collaborative Defense of Transmission and Distribution Protection & Control Devices against Cyber Attack (CODEF)
Alfonso Valdes, Information Trust Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Applied Resiliency for More Trustworthy Grid Operations
Tim Yardley, Information Trust Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Implications of Cyber Attacks on Distributed Power System Operations
Jiazi Zhang, Arizona State University