2017 CREDC SUMMER PROGRAM DATES and LOCATION June 12-16, 2017 at the Q Center in St. Charles, Illinois For more info, visit http://go.illinois.edu/2017CREDCSummer |
The Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) team is excited to offer our fourth* summer school, to be held June 15-19, 2015! We invite and encourage utility and industry practitioners, researchers, and students to attend and explore the nexus between electrical energy systems and cybersecurity. Our opening reception will be held on June 14, 2015.
Our summer school program is an intensive, engaging, and value-packed week of integrated learning activities focused on cybersecurity for power and smart grids. The core program emphasizes basics of security and resiliency for cyber infrastructure in power and smart grids. Advanced topics will address the evolving smarter energy system as well as associated cybersecurity challenges. Sessions will offer integrated training exercises using a virtual smart grid environment developed for this school. The week will also offer lightning talks, networking socials, poster session, a job/information fair, and extended lab/learning opportunities.
The summer school complements research and other educational activities at TCIPG, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Homeland Security. TCIPG brings together researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Arizona State University, Dartmouth College, and Washington State University.
Credit for Professional Development or Continuing Education: Summer school participants may qualify for Professional Development Hours (PDH) and Continuing Education Units (CEU). The University of Illinois Office of Continuing Education offers .1 PDH and 1 CEU and for every 10 hours of participation in educational activities.
Questions? Contact Cheri Soliday at csoliday@illinois.edu or 217-244-6097. If you are not on our email list, please consider joining! You may do so by sending your request to Cheri Soliday at csoliday@illinois.edu.
*2015, 2013, 2011 as TCIPG with funding from DOE/DHS. 2008 as TCIP with funding from NSF.
About TCIPG: The Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) Project (http://tcipg.org/) is an $18 million multi-university center, led by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, that seeks to protect the nation’s power grid by significantly improving the way the power grid infrastructure is built, making it more secure, reliable, and safe. Funded by the Department of Energy, with support from the Department of Homeland Security, researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Arizona State University, Dartmouth, and Washington State University carry out research to ensure secure and efficient data transmission; secure and smart load control; smart detection of, response to and recovery from cyber attacks; and validation of trustworthiness in the face of uncertainty. Research activities in TCIPG are conducted in close collaboration with vendors, grid operators, utilities, national laboratories, and various government entities. TCIPG also hosts workshops, summer schools and other events that bring together industry, government, and TCIPG researchers to discuss challenges, problems, and solutions for making the power grid trustworthy. For more information, visit http://tcipg.org.